The huge proliferation of security vulnerability exploits, worms, and viruses place an incredible drain on both cost and confidence for manufacturers and consumers. The release of trustworthy code requires a specific set of skills and techniques, but this information is often dispersed and decentralized, encrypted in its own jargon and terminology, and can take a colossal amount of time and data mining to find . . .
Television was one of the inventions that shaped the way society and culture evolved over the second half of the twentieth century. It had the powerful effect of shrinking the world which creating a unified view of how things were. There continues to be an evolution of television and a migration towards a fully interactive and ubiquitous IPTV . . .
In today's national and global enterprises where business is conducted across time zones and continents, the "e" in email could stand for "essential." Even more critical is rock-solid email security. If you're the person charged with implementing that email security strategy, this book is for you. Backed with case studies, it offers the nuts-and-bolts information you need to understand your options, select products that meet your needs, and lock down your company's electronic communication systems . . .
As networks become ever more complex, securing them becomes more and more difficult. The solution is visualization. Using today’s state-of-the-art data visualization techniques, you can gain a far deeper understanding of what’s happening on your network right now. You can uncover hidden patterns of data, identify emerging vulnerabilities and attacks, and respond decisively with countermeasures that are far more likely to succeed than conventional methods . . .
Книга содержит информацию о компьютерных вирусах, с приведением их классификаций, подробно рассмотрены алгоритмы работы. Также описаны основные сведения о структуре и принципах работы, способах проникновения и внедрения в систему, различные секреты, методы борьбы с вирусами . . .
Cisco® SSL VPN solutions (formerly known as Cisco WebVPN solutions) give you a flexible and secure way to extend networking resources to virtually any remote user with access to the Internet and a web browser. Remote access based on SSL VPN delivers secure access to network resources by establishing an encrypted tunnel across the Internet using a broadband (cable or DSL) or ISP dialup connection . . .
This is the ONLY Book to Read if You Run Nessus Across the Enterprise. Ever since its beginnings in early 1998, the Nessus Project has attracted security researchers from all walks of life. It continues this growth today. It has been adopted as a de facto standard by the security industry, vendor, and practitioner alike, many of whom rely on Nessus as the foundation to their security practices. Now, a team of leading developers have created the definitive book for the Nessus community . . .
В книге рассматривается технология информационной безопасности, в необходимом объеме приведены сведения для организации службы информационной безопасности в типичном учреждении, начиная с малого предприятия (10 компьютеров) и до большой многофилиальной корпорации (более 1000 компьютеров) . . .
Microsoft hails the latest version of its flagship server operating system, Windows Server 2008, as "the most secure Windows Server ever". However, to fully achieve this lofty status, system administrators and security professionals must install, configure, monitor, log, and troubleshoot a dizzying array of new features and tools designed to keep the bad guys out and maintain the integrity of their network servers . . .
Рассматриваются технологические основы защиты информационного взаимодействия в компьютерных сетях при их подключении к открытым коммуникациям, методы и средства межсетевого экранирования для защиты локальных сетей от несанкционированных воздействий со стороны открытых коммуникаций, базовые протоколы и средства построения защищенных виртуальных сетей на различных уровнях ладонной модели сетевого взаимодействия . . .