You already know Excel 2007. Now you'd like to go beyond with shortcuts, tricks, and tips that let you work smarter and faster. And because you learn more easily when someone shows you how, this is the book for you. Inside, you'll find clear, illustrated instructions for 100 tasks that reveal cool secrets, teach timesaving tricks, and explain great tips guaranteedto make you more productive with Excel 2007 . . .
Microsoft Office 2007 is a major upgrade from the last version of Office; Access will also be greatly revised. Alison Balter is the name that Access developers will trust to guide them through Access 2007's new features. She has the rare ability to take complex topics and explain them clearly, as shown by the success of her ten previous books on Access . . .
Excel master John Walkenbach has shared his expertise in two previous editions of this bestseller. Now he shows you how to create financial formulas, release the power of array formulas, develop custom worksheet functions with VBA, debug formulas, and more with Excel 2007. If you already know your way around the newest Excel and want to concentrate on using formulas to extend its capabilities even further, you've come to the right place . . .
Still the top-selling software suite for Mac users, Microsoft Office has been improved and enhanced to take advantage of the latest Mac OS X features. You'll find lots of new features in Office 2008 for Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Entourage, but not a page of printed instructions to guide you through the changes. Office 2008 for Macintosh: The Missing Manual gives you the friendly, thorough introduction you need, whether you're a beginner who can't do more than point and click, or a power user who's ready to tackle a few advanced techniques . . .
Сборник практических работ, апробированных преподавателями "Компьютерной школы" при Фонде новых технологий в образовании "Байтик", поможет освоить одну из наиболее часто используемых систем управления базами данных. Содержатся конкретные задания и пояснения для их выполнения. Практикум - неоценимый помощник преподавателя при планировании и проведении занятий по темам и прекрасное пособие для внеаудиторной работы студентов.
If you like to build custom applications or customize the Office user interface, this book is for you. Written by a team of Microsoft MVPs, it shows you—step by step—how easy it is to modify the Microsoft Office® 2007 Ribbon, how the Ribbon works, and how you can customize it to add functionality. You'll learn to leverage the RibbonX API to hide, create, add, and group controls . . .
Harness the power of Access 2007 with the expert guidance in this comprehensive reference. Beginners will appreciate the thorough attention to database fundamentals and terminology. Experienced users can jump right into Access 2007 enhancements like the all-new user interface and wider use of XML and Web services. Each of the book's six parts thoroughly focuses on key elements in a logical sequence, so you have what you need, when you need it. Designed as both a reference and a tutorial, Access 2007 Bible is a powerful tool for developers needing to make the most of the new features in Access 2007 . . .
Эта книга посвящена основным принципам моделирования, которые можно применить к широкому спектру различных управленческих задач, решаемых с помощью Microsoft Excel . . .
Пакет приложений Microsoft Office прошел путь от набора офисных продуктов для одного пользователя до широкой интегрированной системы. В систему Microsoft Office System, созданную на основе привычных средств, уже знакомых многим пользователям, входят серверы, службы и программы для настольных компьютеров, разработанные для совместной работы по решению широкого спектра бизнес-задач . . .